Research - Outcome Studies 

Company prevention program - Mercedes-Benz factory 

Year: 2014  Country: Spain   Study Population: N=950

Athlon, Spain


In 2009 there was a need to protect the workers against back problems. 

  • Low back pain was the most common individual diagnosis and caused the most economic impact and resource consumption in the company.
  • 70% of the workers had episodes of back pain at work.
  • Back pain was the most common cause for chronic work incapacity.
  • Work is associated to assembly chains.
  • 85% of the injuries were mechanic due to bad ergonomics.
  • The workers were getting older.


Rehabilitation program:

  • In Company Training (during work time)
  • Individual programs for each worker (with progression)
  • Initial test + 16 visits (1 per week) +Outcome test
  • Flexion and extension devices (110 + 130)
  • 10-15 min/visit


Work absenteeism: 

  • Sick days (due to back problems) were reduced by 78%.
  • Number of sick employees due to back problems was reduced by 70%.
  • Visits to the doctor (due to back problems) were reduced by 29%. 

Workers' own perceptions:

  • 91% of the workers thought the program was effective against back pain.
  • 95% of the workers would like to continue doing the program
  • 87% of the workers would recommend the program to their colleagues.