Scientific Evidence
Exercise Therapy
Science and Technology
Our principles are based on scientific facts and findings. This applies to both biomechanics in device designs as well as to training principles. We have conducted several validation and outcome studies over the past 25 years. These pages provide you with studies relating to biomechanics, medical outcomes, and economics which we have carried out with David devices as well as studies supporting the exercise therapy approach.
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Validation Studies
- Häkkinen K, Komi PV, Kauhanen H. Scientific Evaluation of Specific Loading of the Knee Extensors with Variable Resistance, ‘Isokinetic’ and Barbell Exercises. Med Sport Sci. 1987;26:224-237.
- Häkkinen K, Kauhanen H, Komi PV. Effects of fatiguing loading with a variable resistance equipment on neural activation and force production of the knee extensor muscles. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1988;28(2-3):79-87.
- Denner A. Muskuläre Profile der Wirbelsäule. Berlin, Heidelberg; Springer; 1997. Chapter 7.4, Ergebnisse Eigener Reliabilitäts- und Validitätsuntersuchungen; p. 163–178.
- Denner A. Muskuläre Profile der Wirbelsäule. Berlin, Heidelberg; Springer; 1997. Chapter 7.4, Ergebnisse Eigener Reliabilitäts- und Validitätsuntersuchungen; p. 163–178.
- Kankaanpää M, Taimela S, Webber C, Airaksinen O, Hänninen O. Lumbar paraspinal muscle fatigability in repetitive isoinertial loading: EMG spectral indices, Borg scale and endurance time. European Journal of Applied Physiology 1997;76(3):236-242.
- Kankaanpää M, Taimela S, Airaksinen O. Reference change limits of the paraspinal spectral EMG in evaluation of low back pain rehabilitation. Pathophysiology 1998;5(3):217-224.
- Kankaanpää M, Taimela S, Laaksonen D, Hänninen O, Airaksinen O. Back and hip extensor fatigability in chronic low back pain patients and controls. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1998;79(4):412-417.
- Taimela S, Kankaanpää M, Airaksinen O. A submaximal back extension endurance test utilising subjective perception of low back fatigue. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 1998;30(2):107-112
- Peolsson A, ÖBerg B, Hedlund R. Intra- and inter-tester reliability and reference values for isometric neck strength. Physiotherapy Research International 2001;6(1):15-26.
- Leinonen V, Määttä S, Taimela S, Herno A, Kankaanpää M, Partanen J et al. Impaired Lumbar Movement Perception in Association With Postural Stability and Motor- and Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Spine 2002;27(9):975-983.
- Elfving B. Lumbar muscle fatigue and recovery: Evaluation of electromyography in patients with long-term low-back pain and in healthy subjects. Karolinska Institutet. Doctoral Dissertation; 2002.
- Walker S, Peltonen H, Avela J, Häkkinen K. Kinetic and electromyographic analysis of single repetition constant and variable resistance leg press actions. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 2011;21(2):262-269
- Peltonen H, Häkkinen K, Avela J. Neuromuscular responses to different resistance loading protocols using pneumatic and weight stack devices. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 2013;23(1):118-124.
- Kienbacher T, Paul B, Habenicht R, Starek C, Wolf M, Kollmitzer J et al. Reliability of isometric trunk moment measurements in healthy persons over 50 years of age. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2014;46(3):241-249.
Outcome Studies
David outcome studies with EVE system
- Custers P, Van de Kelft E, Eeckhaut B, Sabbe W, Hofman A, Debuysscher A et al. Clinical Examination, Diagnosis, and Conservative Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain: A Narrative Review. Life 2024;14(9):1090
- Marcu ID, Ene-Voiculescu C. Effectiveness of the DAVID Spine Concept in Reducing Back Pain Among Adolescents: A Focus on Personalized Exercise Programs and Quality of Life Improvement. Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Fascicle XV 2024;24(1):38-44. DOI: 10.35219/efms.2024.1.05.
- Fehrmann E, Tuechler K, Kienbacher T, Mair P, Spreitzer J, Fischer L et al. Comparisons in Muscle Function and Training Rehabilitation Outcomes Between Avoidance-Endurance Model Subgroups. The Clinical Journal of Pain 2017;33(10):912-920.
- Anandani G, Shetty G, Bafna S, Narula N, Gandhi A. Effectiveness of device-based therapy for conservative management of low back pain. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2015;27(7):2139-2141.
David outcome studies without EVE system
- Taimela S, Härkäpää K. Strength, Mobility, Their Changes, and Pain Reduction in Active Functional Restoration for Chronic Low Back Disorders. Journal of Spinal Disorders 1996;9(4):306-312.
- Kankaanpää M, Taimela S, Airaksinen O, Hänninen O. The efficacy of active rehabilitation in chronic low back pain: effect on pain intensity, self-experienced disability, and lumbar fatigability. Spine 1999;24(10):1034-1042.
- Taimela S, Diederich C, Hubsch M, Heinricy M. The Role of Physical Exercise and Inactivity in Pain Recurrence and Absenteeism From Work After Active Outpatient Rehabilitation for Recurrent or Chronic Low Back Pain. Spine 2000;25(14):1809-1816.
- Timonen L, Rantanen T, Ryynänen O, Taimela S, Timonen T, Sulkava R. A randomized controlled trial of rehabilitation after hospitalization in frail older women: effects on strength, balance and mobility. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2002;12(3):186-192.
- Daschner T, Tschubar F. Cost/benefit analysis of a scientifically supported training for health insurance participants with back problems. The example of the Gothaer Krankenversicherung AG. Manuelle Medizin 2006;44(4):308-312.
- Huber G. Evaluation des Wirbelsäulenkonzeptes Kraftwerk DaimlerChrysler AG Werk Wörth. Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Projektes. Der Universität Heidelberg; Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft; 2005.
- FPZ AG Köln (Hrsg). Integrierte Versorgung Rückenschmerz: Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation 2006–2008. 2009.
- Schifferdecker-Hoch, F., Hollmann, M., Hoppe, M. Das FPZ KONZEPT im Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement. FPZ AG, Köln. 2014.
- Hollmann, M., Niederau, A. Aktuelle Zahlen und Erkenntnisse zur medizinischen und ökonomischen Wirksamkeit der Integrierten Funktionellen Rückenschmerztherapie (FPZ KONZEPT). 2013.
- Müller G, Pfinder M, Clement M, Kaiserauer A, Deis G, Waber T et al. Therapeutic and economic effects of multimodal back exercise: A controlled multicentre study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2019;51(1):61-70.
- Sappich B, Gaber W, Caspar S, Baum K. Reduktion von diagnostischer Arbeitsunfähigkeit bei Ladearbeitern durch eine gezielte medizinische Trainingstherapie für die Wirbelsäule. Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin 2001;36:371-37