Research - Validation Studies
Intra- and inter-tester reliability and reference values for isometric neck strength.
Year: 1998 Country: Finland Study Population: 30/101 (reliability/reference values)
Peolsson A, ÖBerg B, Hedlund R. Intra- and inter-tester reliability and reference values for isometric neck strength. Physiotherapy Research International 2001;6(1):15-26.
To determine intra- and inter-tester reliability and age- and sex-specific reference values for isometric neck strength in extension, flexion and lateral flexion in sitting position measured with David 140 device.
Reliability: Intra-tester reliability was studied in three repeated test trials, with 10 minutes of rest between the measurement series. Inter-tester reliability was studied by repeating the procedure with each of the three test leaders at the same time of the day, on three different occasions, with an interval of one week between test series.
Reference values: One maximal effort for about six to eight seconds was registered in each movement direction for each subject.
Intra-tester reliability, for all three test leaders, expressed as the ICC value was 0.94–0.97 for neck strength in extension, flexion, lateral flexion (right/left). Inter-tester reliability among the three test leaders was 0.86–0.95 in the four directions. For all three test leaders, and for almost all directions, measurement one was found to have the highest value. Results show that Intra- and inter-tester reliability of the 140 was very good to excellent.